History |
2025-03-22 Took down the Qmail HOWTO. After 25 years, I finally moved to Postfix. 2016-10-09 Several small fixes the Qmail HOWTO to reflect changes in the Portstree and FreeBSDs tcsh Shell. 2014-04-17 A tiny update to the Qmail HOWTO to reflect changes in the Portstree on how to specify config switches in the batch-mode. 2011-12-11 Once again updated the Qmail HOWTO. We've switched to Dovecot instead of Courier IMAP and Horde IMP instead of Sqwebmail. Performs and looks much better now :) 2009-10-07
I've added some notes about what parts I'm missing for my S8000 to get it working 2008-11-21 I've uploaded a slightly changed HOWTO 2008-10-31
I got some Zilog System 8000 stuff so I created a new page for it 2006-09-11 New HOWTO version released: Make QMail able to reject SPAM messages by running a Queue-Filter which uses Spamassassin! P8000: 2006-05-29
I've added an old version of "WEGA Dienstprogramme" "Band A" and "Band B" to /P8000/notes/WEGA-Dienstprogramme/ P8000: 2006-05-26 I've added a new document which lists all floppy images I own. 2005-02-13 I've just updated the HOWTO, added a section about courier-authlib, and adjusted some other things to be compatible with the reality again ;) 2004-09-08 New HOWTO version released: Make QMail able to take care about SMTP-AUTH as well! 2003-03-21 After 3 years of writing, modifying and testing the German QMail HOWTO i wrote, I'm pleased to announce that version 1.0 is out now! |